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                We have distributed many thousands of the attached “GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION FOR MAN” bible tract, in English.  This tract is now available for your unlimited free use in: Spanish, French, Russian, Polish, Korean, Portuguese, Pilipino (Hiligayon), German, Hungarian, Chinese (simplified), Ukrainian, Bangla and Indonesian.

                Please feel free to print and give out or e-mail, as many copies as you like of the above attached tracts or any of the other languages listed.  Just send us an e-mail and request the language or languages you would like to receive free.  “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man” offers a clear presentation of the Gospel with verification Bible verses.  We are now making available, this downloadable/printable tract to Churches, Ministries and individuals who wish to reach the above language groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The tracts are purposely not copyrighted and formatted to fit a single sheet (front and back) of a standard 8 ½” X 11” or A4 Metric sheet of paper. This makes it extremely inexpensive and easy to photo copy or print for distribution.  Please feel free to use it as you wish in reaching those who need to hear the message. May God bless you as you share the most important news our world has ever known, and as you participate in the great and exciting end-time harvest.  We have an assignment; will we do it or will we turn from it?  Jesus said: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”  (Jesus -Matthew 28:19-20)   The question is: If we, who call ourselves Christians, do not push ourselves forward in fulfilling the “Great Commission” then who will?  "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Jesus - Matthew 24:14) 

                 In the midst of a world of difficulty and uncertainty there is a constant item of Good News available to all who hear and receive the truth of this simple message. We do not need any credits or acknowledgments concerning the tract.  The only thing we ask is that “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man” not be changed and that it always be offered free and without charge.


Tom Garito, Fisher Distributing – And Jesus Said: “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17


P.S. If you are not able to open the above attachments let us know and we will be glad to re-send the tract in the body of the e-mail instead of as an attachment. 


More things you can do:


1.   Pray that the Lord will open ears and minds and draw those who need to hear this message.

2.   Offer the tract for inclusion on a Christian, Personal or Business website that you may have influence with.

3.   Go door to door in your neighborhood and invite people to your church. Leave them information about your church and also leave them a copy of “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man”. (Even if they are not receptive now they may be later.)

4.   If you have an acquaintance or loved one that you would like to lead to the Lord, go over this tract with them. This is an easy tool for you to use. It will enable you to witness effectively even if you do not feel comfortable or capable of doing so.

5.   If you are a little shy, take a roll of Scotch tape and tape a copy to the back of stall doors in public restrooms. This is one place people are slowed from the hectic pace of their day and have a little  time to read.  Also the cleaning person won’t likely see it and throw it away. In giving out tracts it is always important to place them so people don’t think of them as annoying litter. This is a bad witness.

6.   Hand them out at bus stops, train stations, airports, malls or other busy places.

7.   Do visitation to nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, shelters etc. and give the people home made cookies with a tract.

8.   If you know of a solid bible believing Christian who is well versed in a language not listed above please ask them if they could translate “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man” into their language.  Then send us a copy so we can make it available to others.  Our goal is to make the tract available in the native tongue of all language groups in the world.  Big goal; but we are a big family (lots of brothers and sisters). 

9.   Leave a few in the waiting room of your doctor, dentist, barber etc.  People often have time on their hands to read.

10. Go on a mission trip to another city or country and give everyone a tract in their own language.

11. Have your church finance a direct mailing to every household within a certain radius of the church which includes information about your church, an invitation to your church and a tract.  (Look under mailing list brokers to purchase a zip code mailing list.  You can also purchase lists of recent movers to a certain zip code.)

12. Put one in each of your Christmas cards.

13. Put a pile of tracts at a table by the exit of your church and encourage people to take as many as they can use.

14. Send “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man” as an e-mail to someone you are chatting with next door or half way around the world.

15. When you pay a bill by mail include a tract.

16. Send a copy of this e-mail to all the Christians on your e-mail list.

17.Take out a ½ page ad and publish the tract in your local newspaper.

18. Sit at your computer for one hour a day and do internet searches for Christians or churches in any country and forward 10 or 15 per day of this e-mail with attachments in the language of the church or Christian individual you are contacting. If you do this be sure to keep our e-mail address in case you come across someone who can translate the tract into another language. 

19. Think of a creative way or tell us of something that has worked for you in the past so we can add it to this list.


I don’t know who said it, but there is a little saying which you may have heard before.  It is a true saying, and it goes like this: “Only one life will soon be past and only what’s done for Christ will last”.  If 1/10 of 1% of the Christians, would give 1/10 of 1% their time tithe to fulfilling the great commission through this effort; it would only be a few months before a clear presentation of “God’s Plan of Salvation for Man” would be available in all the languages of the world and only a short time longer before a copy would be placed in the hand of all six and a half billion people of the world.  As long as you have one breath left, you can do something big; you can impact a life for eternity.  If you are a Christian, join us and be a part of this very exciting fishing expedition.  The cost is a little of your time, the bait is free or a few pennies at most, and the rewards are out of this world.

What a privilege it is to be a part of the family and entrusted to share the Good News we have.  Our God is a God who has great love for sinners and longs to forgive repentant hearts.  This is a way to tell them.  Will you take a step?  Check one: Yes____, No____.   Are you “too busy”? Do you have “more important” things to do?  Your choice can only be made by you!  Remember, this world is not a playground. It is a battleground!


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" Romans 1:16